
Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

I Want My Long Dreams Become True!

How many years have gone?
How many months have blown?
How many days have spurt out?
How many times have wandered away? 

I am a person with a bunch of dreams. Yeah I am. I think everybody has at least a dream that he/she really wants to reach. People usually eagerly to make new plenty of plan when new year comes. They call it something like resolution. As a dreamer, I do have some new plans but it doesn't depend only when new year comes or any special day. I know probably they who have the new resolution in the new year think that the time is very appropriate for starting to work on those plans, but for me, it depends on my mood. It sounds little bit weird. Through this note, I am going to tell you about my three biggest dream. The first one is to publish my novel. I have been writing since I started to enter high school. I write a lot of short stories, poems, and novella. Now, I am working on my 'biggest project', to finish my first novel. There is a lot of problem, challenge, and anything that troubling around me when I am working on it, but I have to finish it somehow. My other dream is to study aboard. Then, the last is, I really really want to set up a restaurant. 

Actually, my biggest biggest plan is to keep my parents proud of me, and i am still working hard on it.

Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Dove Commercial: 'You are more beautiful than you think.'

Everybody has different perception and opinion. Of course!

People have their own thought about their own appearance, but did you ever think about somebody else’s opinion about how does other look? There is a simple research of knowing how women think about their appearance then it is going to be compared with other’s opinion.

There is a sketcher who sketches some women’s appearance one by one, without seeing them, only by the women’s explanation about what they think they might look.  Then, the sketcher starts to sketch the same women but based on other women’s opinion who has met them before.

The sketcher puts the different sketches of the same woman side by side so the women can compare those coupled sketches. The one which based on other’s opinion shows that they look more beautiful than how they look in the sketch which based on what they think about their own appearance. It’s clear that in this way, ‘you are more beautiful than you think’ works.